Talent Trade Tidbit - Grape In The Middle
Stephanie helps you overcome "analysis paralysis" with advice from, among other things, the timeless wisdom of Karate Kid...
Hi, this is Stephanie Maas.
Speaker:Today I want to talk to you about a really great way to make a decision.
Speaker:The biggest challenges that we are seeing in the hiring market today, there's actually quite a few challenges.
Speaker:One of the biggest ones is what I'll call analysis paralysis.
Speaker:Everybody is so afraid of making the wrong decision.
Speaker:They make no decision, which is a hundred percent of the time, the wrong decision.
Speaker:So let me walk you through a couple of ways to make sure that you can make a good decision, regardless of what the actual decision is.
Speaker:Recently, I was in a quandary about making a decision and candidly, it was driving me nuts.
Speaker:I really couldn't decide, do I go this way?
Speaker:Do I go that way?
Speaker:But as long as I was in that process.
Speaker:Honestly, I was a little nutty.
Speaker:And then I remembered some sage wisdom from Mr.
Speaker:Miyagi in the Karate Kit, and it helped put things in perspective.
Speaker:Here was his advice.
Speaker:Grape, left side of the road, okay.
Speaker:Grape, right side of the road, okay.
Speaker:Grape in the middle, okay.
Speaker:As long as I stayed indecisive, it was making me that.
Speaker:I needed to make a decision and move on.
Speaker:The reality is, most of us are not making life and death decisions every day.
Speaker:We're just not.
Speaker:And as long as we stay in that middle of the road, we're miserable.
Speaker:And usually we make those around us miserable.
Speaker:So my first piece of counsel is go with your gut.
Speaker:Most people in hindsight say, ah, if I had just gone with my gut, that would have been the right thing.
Speaker:That's what you need to do.
Speaker:Do a gut check right after an interview.
Speaker:Is this feel right?
Speaker:Now I'm not saying that means that's your decision, but then what you do is you follow up.
Speaker:Every conversation, every interview after that, looking for evidence to either support your decision or your gut instinct or to make it contrary to that.
Speaker:So go with your gut.
Speaker:Second thing is you've got to take the pressure off.
Speaker:I know we all have P& Ls and budgets that we are responsible for and it makes it very difficult.
Speaker:But here's the bottom line, right or wrong, honestly, you'll never know.
Speaker:But what you do is you make a decision and then you make it right.